Upcoming Events:
Thursday (3/3) Farmers Market in the Quad 11-3
Friday (3/4) Clothing Swap and Potluck at Maia’s 7:30pm
Saturday (3/5) San Marcos River Clean Up at the Pavillion in City Park 9am FREE FOOD!
Sustainable San Marcos Annual Meeting at Taproom 3-5pm
Camping Trip Decided! Pedernales Falls April 1st-3rd (Friday thru Sunday)
Guest Speakers: Lauren Strickland with Go Local San Marcos and the Sierra Club’s Flavia de la Fuente
Meeting Notes:
Co-Vice President Maia Holmes took members and the note-taking Administrative Secretary by surprise with a pre-meeting announcement, saying March 26th was the World Walk for Water- an event to raise awareness about the worldwide water crisis. The cost to enter the walk is $15 and all profits will be split between the International Non-Profit WaterAid and the Texas River Protection Association. There will be live music, food, and local vendors around afterwards. To register one can go the the Texas State WaterAid website, the TxState WaterAid Facebook Page, or Runtex.com. Layne then opened the meeting wondering how many times we have gathered this semester…three. Layne then insulted the farmer’s market vendors calling them old, and told members to volunteer to help them. Corina talked about other upcoming events such as the clothing swap which would have lots of good food involved for those who wish to partake in the merriment. She also talked about the Sustainable San Marcos meeting and encouraged members to go listen in and voice their ideas. She added that she is affiliated with that group and that Sustainable San Marcos provided a big push in getting single stream recycling to apartment complexes. Layne alerted members about how Congress is wanting to limit the powers of the EPA, and since this is an ongoing story Layne vowed to keep members updated. ECO will have a booth at the farmer’s market fighting the newly proposed congressional plan. Corina and Layne then spoke about the beauty of Pedernales Falls got members hyped up about the trip. Flash flooding is an exciting danger of the trip then Corina introduced Lauren Strickland who spoke about Go Local San Marcos- a program that supports and sustain local businesses. Next Flavia de la Fuente spoke on behalf of the Sierra Club, she gave an extensive presentation on the goals and missions of the group, I wrote everything she said down, I just choose not to share it. Meeting adjourned. BAM!