ECO Meeting Five Notes
Upcoming Events:
Thurs. 4/7 Farmers Market 10-5
Sat. 4/9 Bobcat Build
Mon. 4/11 Earthday Workday 5pm at Corina’s house
Thurs. 4/14 Booth at Riverfest Ying Yang Twins 3-11 at Sewell
Sat. 4/16 TSU E-Waste Event –Bobcat Stadium Parking Lot 9-1pm
Thurs. 4/21 Earth Day in the Quad 7am-5pm
Speakers: Dianne Wassenich with the San Marcos River Foundation
Meeting Notes:
Corina opened the meeting thanking members for coming on the camping trip. Layne talked about the Farmers Market in the Quad from 3-5 and said help was especially needed. Helping vendors tear down their stuff is huge. Elle talked about Bobcat Build and told members to come early and get their t-shirts. Elle also warned participants to wear jeans, protective shoes, and appropriate clothes at the job site. Corina talked about the Earth Day workday and Earth Day and how we will be working in cooperation with the Bike Cave employees. A lot of volunteers are needed that day. Layne got us a sweet booth at Riverfest, even though he has never been before. Layne also reminded members that we will be representing Texas State’s sustainable efforts. Layne then told us to be out there and turn people on…….right. Layne voiced his dislike for the Ying Yang twins and then talked about the E-Waste event and said volunteers are wanted. Clean up your hard drive before you recycle. Earth Day/Bike to School Day in the Quad will be promoting the usage of bikes on campus. It is going to be really spectacular this year. We’re getting a windmill!!!! Go Layne! Layne is looking for some able bodied men at 7am to help with the windmill. The Bike Cave will be giving out free stuff. Corina jumped in and proudly boasted ECO is on Facebook at Laybe also stressed the importance of being in clubs.
Speaker Diane Wassenich gave a lengthy talk on water hyancinth and the problems with it and other invasive plant species such as elephant ears, and alligator weed which is now engulfing the River Pub lawn area adjacent to the river. Diane is going great things with the San Marcos River Foundation and she is also educating San Marcos City Council members on the importance of protecting the river, and all ECO members were honored to have such a wonderful person come and speak to us.