Project Details

City of New Braunfels Request for Proposal


Our purpose is to collaborate with the City of New Braunfels (CoNB) GIS Department in developing an asset GIS schema and geodatabases for the City’s Parks and Recreations Department that will be able to integrate in with the City’s current Accela’s asset management system, Accela Automation. The schema will be able to “serve as the structure for inventorying this asset information”(City of New Braunfels).

In order to get the City of New Braunfels what they requested The GAMES:


  • 1. Set up meetings with Mr. Flynn and employees of the Parks and Recreational Department, Kelly Eby and Kelsey Heiden, to get a list of what all is to be considered an “asset”. 


  • 2. Design a GIS schema or geodatabases around the assets of the parks.


  • 3. Conduct field work with GPS units as well as moderate digitizing in order to collect any necessary data.


  • 4. Finally, the team will help the CoNB GIS Analyst/Accela Administrator William Flynn synch the GIS schema/database with Accela linking all of the Park and Recreation assets into the Accela management system.





The geographic extent of this project is relative to the amount of land or assets that the City of New Braunfels wants to claim as the Park and Recreational Departments..  However, our team will endeavor to complete a thorough geodatabase of the parks assets in the time allotted for the project and collect any extra field data needed, as well as test and ensure that the geodatabase works correctly.  The data gathering will be focused on the assets from parks that are recommended by William Flynn or the Parks and Recreation Deptartment as being top priority.  This is because we understand the importance of such a project and how it will ensure “that the right assets are located in the right places and that they are planned, programmed, and maintained to meet identified community needs.”(Dan Saltzman.

The scope of this project centered on 35 parks and 83 properties for landscape maintenance in the City of New Braunfels.  In addition there were another 5 assets for the park system.  These five assets included picnic areas, pavilions, trash cans, spigots and drinking fountains. The collection of sample data for these five assets GIS schema/geodatabase was centered on Landa Park but the GIS schema they used can be implemented for any other park as needed in the future.  See Appendix II Figure 2.2 for a detailed map of Landa Park and these five assets.


Data Sources

Our primary data sources for this project were a FTP site set up by the City of New Braunfels GIS Analyst / Accela Administrator William Flynn and the City of New Braunfels website's GIS Data Extract page.

Other sources of data included 2012 Aerial Imagery provided by Mr. Flynn and GPS data collected from the field using a Trimble GeoXT GPS device.
