Benefits Provided by Trees


  • Certain tree species can capture up to 85% of the particulate air pollution blowing through their branches
  • Trees properly placed around buildings can reduce air conditioning costs by 30% and heating costs by 20 – 50%
  • Trees absorb and block sound, which helps reduce noise pollution, by as much as 40%


  • With 20% shade on street, resurfacing costs over thirty years is decreased by as much as 50%
  • Healthy trees can add up to 15% to residential property value
  • Nationally, the 60 million street trees have an average value of $525 per tree


  • Trees slow storm water runoff, decreasing the amount of storm water storage needed
  • The planting of trees creates natural filters for water replenishing aquifers
  • Wooded areas help prevent the transport of sediment and chemical into streams


  • Trees help reduce household energy consumption’
  • If you plant a tree today on the west side of your home, in 5 years you energy bills should be 3 percent less. In 15 years the savings will be nearly 12 percent


  • Trees absorb CO2 (up to 40 pounds per year) and other greenhouse gasses and, in turn, replenish the atmosphere with oxygen

More benefits

  • Trees beautify the city
  • Shaded sidewalks and trails have been proven to be more utilized than non-shaded sidewalks and trails
  • Trees placed along streets can act as traffic calming devices
  • Trees provide habitats for urban wildlife