Web Mappy Near Me About Us

Chad Ramos

Chad is a GIS Analyst for the City of Kyle and a Geography Graduate Student at Texas State University where he studies Hazards and GIS. He has multiple academic awards, two URISA Cartograpy Contest Scholarships, and most recently won fist place in the Graduate Student Paper Competition at the 2023 SWAAG Annual Meeting. He spends his free time backpacking and riding motorcycles.

Jasmine Marroquin

Hello! I am an undergraduate student majoring in GIS. My love for GIS is due to it being so diverse! From geoprocessing to Map Making, GIS can do everything! Some of my interest include Cartography and drones. My favorite hobbies are traveling and trying out new restaurants.

Brodde Kjosa

Hello! I am an undergraduate student majoring in GIS and minoring in Anthropology. I currently go to Texas State University and will hopefully graduate in the Spring of 2024. Some of my favorite hobbies include fishing, rock climbing, and gaming. If I could have a dream job it would be to be a professional rock climber who can use GIS abilities to map out areas to rock climb in Texas.

Madelyn Flores

Madelyn is currently an undergraduate student majoring in GIS at Texas State University. She has previously researched Zircon collection methods in volcanic ash, morphological shoreline changes at South Padre Island, and flood risk in the Rio Grande Valley. In her free time, she enjoys traveling and camping with friends.