¤Course Development Guide
The objective of this project was not only to design a disc golf course, but to provide a model for the city of Lockhart to use in the implementation of the disc golf course, as well as for future recreational activities. To address this objective, a comprehensive course development guide was created. Extensive research of disc golf related literature was conducted. The data was then distilled to extract relevant information. A marketing analysis was created to be beneficial in determining where, how, and to whom these attractions should be provided. Potential problems and mitigation was created to address any concerns that might arise from a course being developed. In addition, surveys were conducted to patrons of local disc golf courses and disc golf retailers. The data gathered from these surveys was unique to the disc golf course development in providing subjective qualitative data to help in developing a course that is beneficial to both the users and city officials. Course design guidelines were also included. A budget for the implementation of the course designs was beneficial in gaining a realistic expectation of the cost of building a disc golf course. Research was conducted to find out the average costs of necessary elements and land clearing and redesign. All the collected data was compiled into a detailed budget report that will be provided to the client. In addition, a budget alternatives section was created to mitigate high costs should it be deemed necessary.