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About Us

Adam McKee

A senior year at Texas State University working toward a Bachelor's of Science in Geographic Information Science (GIS) with a minor in Computer Science. I was born and raised in Austin, Texas and graduated from Stephen F. Austin High School in 2014. I hope to stay in the Texas hill country area for a long time after graduating from Texas State University.

Contact: a_m1167@txstate.edu

Mayowa Lasode

A 2nd year Master of Applied Geography (GIScience) Student at the Geography Department, Texas State University. I received my Bachelor of Science in Geography from Nigeria, where I’m originally from. My interests are in natural hazards, geovisualization, vulnerable populations and transportation geography. I’m currently working on a multi-criteria allocation model of flood-evacuation shelters in Austin, TX.

Contact: mkl60@txstate.edu

Read More About Mayowa

Tyler Armstrong

A senior at Texas State University completing my Bachelor's of Science in Geographic Information Sciences. I am originally from Harlingen, Tx. and plan to stay in the Central Texas area after graduation.

Contact: ta1137@txstate.edu