Geo 4427 - Fall 2018
Professor: Dr. Yihong Yuan
Lab Instructor: Yunuen Reygadas
The purpose of this project is to analyze and map the relationship between the UTC and the thermal radiation of the Austin city center within Travis County. Our analysis can be used by local planning and urban foresters to reduce the effects of UHIs in Austin, which include suggesting areas to plant more trees. By reducing the effects of UHIs city wide, Austinites could see their energy usage decrease and their health during the summer improve.
The purpose for this project is to report wildfire occurrences and trends to AFDWD while bringing awareness to the general public. The benefits of a geographical analysis will help reveal hidden patterns in the data. In order to accomplish this, BWC will work with the AFDWD to provide a geographical analysis of their reported wildfire ignitions. As such, we’ve set out to provide a comprehensive perspective of AFDWD’s reported ignitions in terms of spatial distribution, temporal relationships, and predictive modeling.
The purpose of our project is to develop a method to help TPP identify and classify the road intersections in Travis county in an effort to keep Texas in compliance with the federal guidelines outlined by the Federal High Administration.