Texas State University, Department of Geography

Geography 4427
Advanced Geographic Information Systems II
- Fall 2010 -

Geography 4427, Advanced GIS II is the capstone undergraduate GIS course at Texas State University-San Marcos.  In this course students worked as teams on real-world GIS projects. These projects were designed and conducted by the students under the direction of Dr. Giordano and Jennet Seegers. This course helped students develop and demonstrate competence in applying GIS techniques to actual geographic questions. Click on the links below to find detailed information about each of the groups and their projects.


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The objective of Backyard GIS’ project is to determine neighborhood commission distribution by sector population.  The purpose of Backyard GIS’ project is to prove or disprove the council members’ hypothesis that the sectors on the East side of Interstate 35 are currently underrepresented. 


C.H.E.M. Group is a team of students at Texas State University, San Marcos, whose goal is to provide emergency planning agencies with the geographic tools to optimize preparedness in chemical hazard emergencies. This is achieved through the creation of chemical hazard databases that are integrated into Geographic Information System (GIS) software.



The Golden-cheeked Warbler (GCWA) is one of the most charismatic birds found in Texas. Being federally endangered due it it’s limited geographic range, it is very important to monitor its habitat size and quality.  This project is being done for the Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance (GEAA) to help identify areas of habitat loss which is intended to aid in their efforts to conserve and protect land that lie in conjunction with the Aquifer they protect.  Previous studies have provided input on the best way to identify GCWA habitat and rank its suitability and is the basis of our methodology. 


Preserving places of scenic value often results in conserving important natural areas as well as places of historical value.  Since Hill Country Conservancy (HCC) and Hill Country Alliance (HCA) are interested in preserving the Texas Hill Country, our goal was to provide them with an inventory of potential scenic sites for further evaluation and potential future preservation.



The objective of this project is to aid Victoria County in the planning for an efficient evacuation in the event of a chemical hazardous incident.  The project identifies the population densities and environments that are susceptible to such an event.  South Texas Emergency Planning (STEP) then utilizes these factors to identify navigable transportation networks to evacuate the population at risk to the most suitable reception areas.


Texas State University - San Marcos