Geo 4422 - Fall 2022
Professor: Dr. Yihong Yuan
Lab Instructor: Grayson Wylie
Our web application makes use of the EarthSearch STAC API3 to query for Sentinel 2 L2A scenes which intersect the spatial extent defined by the user. Once the results from this query are returned, we aggregate the cloud cover percentage metadata from these scenes and calculate the average cloud cover percentage for every month of the year covering the specified AOI. The calculated cloud cover percentages will then be displayed to the user on a graph. Our applications also displays the product IDs from a query on a separate page allowing for the user to quickly find suitable scenes for their analysis. The sentinel-2 tile shapefiles were provided by a repository on github ( From this repository they were converted to GeeoJSON using QGIS. For the design of the web page we used Bootstrap ( . Bootstrap provided the template and styling for the webpage.
The ultimate goal of HTML Agents Central Texas Swimming Hole web map is to be an easy-to-use tool for any demographic of users to find their next potential outdoor experience. We wanted to enable users to easily find what they were looking for as soon as the page was opened, which is achieved by loading all the markers in and binding the pop-ups. From one click of a point the user can instantly view relevant decision-making information.
For this project we set out to make a web map of the State Parks and Recreational Areas of Texas that allows users to select various criteria to find the Park that is perfect for them. The reason we chose to focus on State Parks in contrast to National Parks, is that State Parks are much more abundant, and varied in what they offer which makes a tool like our web map necessary to sift through and find parks for every need. State Parks are also less popular and our web map is a way to not only display the abundance of Texas State Parks, but connect users with those Parks.