Spotlight / Splash Page
Spotlight Section for highlighting hot topics, events, activities, research, etc. You do not need a header or subheader, this could simply be an image, or text, or an abstract introduction that links to a project or information page that you would like to draw special attention to.
An older spotlight if you wish to push down old content as new items are added to the spotlight, like the blog. Again you can simply toss a link to something on the web, a cool website, or article. It can be a link to your work in the site that doesn't fit anywhere on the left.
...or we could develop a 'splash page' with individual boxes artistically distributed around this space that gives a brief overview of what information is contained within each sub-menu option / primary web page of the site.
Please provide a brief abstract about the book spanning a paragraph or two in order to convey a sense of the book's subject to the person viewing the website, make them want to click it! This is filler text.
Presentations, documents, and multimedia pertaining to the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure 2013 Workshop on "Geography and Holocaust Research",
hosted by the International Tracing Service (ITS) in Bad Arolsen, Germany.
Please provide a brief who, what, when, why, where or abstract/summary.
Post #4
Topic of Color
Dr. Alberto Giordano
14th Feb 2013
Dear friends,
I knew the topic of color was going to be the most debated! It is a crucial
decision, indeed. As is the logo (any ideas?). And, Simone, did you have a
chance to draft a mission statement? Waitman, I agree with you that a presence
in social media is important, but can we talk about that after we have a first
draft? My concern is with maintaining the presence on Facebook, Twitter, or
wherever else, and the questions that that raises (eg, who wants to moderate?).
It is something we will solve, but let's take one step at a time.
Thank you all for the feedback and please let Ryan and I know if you have more comments at this time. We are going to meet tomorrow (Thursday) and see where we are with the website. The idea is to start designing for your feedback.